This blog is all about my experiences cooking and photographing food. I've included recipes from many of my favourite cook books, as well as a few recipes from my foodie friends. Some are chefs and some are just fantastic cooks who love to play in the kitchen. Together I hope we've created a blend of foodie inspiration to go along with the images. This type of collaboration has also inspired the name of the blog - The Food Union - which is all about a blend of foodie ideas from lots of different sources, and has nothing to do with any workers union!
All the recipes in the blog have been cooked, styled & photographed by me, with help on occasion from my foodie friends. I use organic eggs and free range products where possible, and strongly believe the world would be a much better place without the factory farming of animals.
Here is some daring background info about me:
Here is some daring background info about me:
- I live in Christchurch, New Zealand (that's the little country next to Australia).
- I've had a few career changes along the way. But now that I've finally grown up I have settled on being a food photographer and stylist.
- I have a commercial photography business specialising in food photography, which has allowed me to branch into food styling for photo shoots and TV commercials. See more of my work at
- Home is a 105 year old renovated cottage - with two resident moggys who believe night time is the best time for partying!
- Over the years I've done a fair bit of travelling and living overseas - I would rate Paris as my all time favourite city, followed closely by New York, and then Melbourne. Mind you this list is a work in progress so could change after the next trip away!
- I'm a twin - yup amazing isn't it there's another person in this world (in fact this city) who looks and sounds just like me!
- I have particular passion and taste for food - and try cooking all sorts of recipes. Some work better than others, and like everyone I've had some spectacular flops, but that's another story.
- I enjoy the challenge of my work - so food looks natural and appetising. If the final image screams EAT ME I know I've succeeded, and I'm always up for a little taste testing at the end of a shoot.
- I have parmigiano reggiano with my pasta - every time! Even if my sister tells me it smells like baby sick!
- I have plenty of self-control - just not around food! Desserts, particularly recipes made with chocolate, are my downfall. My biggest weakness is Champagne Truffles from Teuscher of Switzerland (sadly not available in NZ - I've eaten a whole box of these in one sitting on a few occasions. The after effects are not attractive.
- I use to dance - but retired many years ago - so don't ask for a demo. I also use to be into Dressage with my lovely grey gelding - but these days I would need a step ladder to even climb on board a horse!
- I don't iron regularly. Well I do but it's more of an Iron on Demand type service - I only iron what I'm putting on that day. Plus any props for the days shoot.
- I'm a hoarder - yes I admit it. My worst hoarding item would have to be magazines - particularly food magazines. OK I'm a magazine addict -I admit it! I just can't throw them out. My excuse is you never know one day I may just need to look something up. Of course this day is yet to arrive!
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